GAME_VGA ANCIENTS.LZH 311296 02-15-93 ANCIENTS I:THE DEATHWATCH The Deathwatch is a 3-dimensional fantasy role- playing game. In the city of Locklaven characters explore the city, visiting many shops, and finally entering the dungeon. A number of quests must be solved to complete the game. Rqs, HD, VGA, mouse. BANANOID.LZH 49152 02-15-93 BANANOID V1.00 Amazing VGA graphics! Most unusual brickout game ever! Control paddle with mouse, knock out bricks, watch for falling ones, some good some bad. Screen scrolls from side to side, 7 skill levels. Requires VGA video, mouse, & 10mhz+ 80286. Excellent! BEYOND12.LZH 32768 02-15-93 BEYOND V1.2 A truly good game! Addictive game, much like Columns, except this game uses nice VGA graphics & multi-patterned falling boxes. Match three patterns in a row & they disappear. Try to hold out as long a possible. Surprisingly entertaining game. VGA only. BOMB20.LZH 147456 02-15-93 TANK WARS V2.0 Outstanding VGA only tank game! Adjust the cannon & power, select weapon & fire! Each kill earns money to buy more powerful weapons. Random terrains, multiple backgrounds, sound effects, full mouse support & more! Fun, fast & challenging! Good game! BRIX.LZH 311296 02-15-93 BRIX New From EPIC MEGAMES 256-color action puzzle game. 112 levels of VGA excitement, Sound Blaster music and digital sound support. 100% pure FUN! It's high quality entertainment. Rqs, 640k, HD, 286/faster, VGA, DOS 3.0+. ASP CAPTURE.LZH 245760 02-15-93 CAPTURE Jump over gushing streams, climb rail fences and race through farm fields as you try to capture the opposing teams flag. Supports SB/Adlib sound cards. Rqs, 530k, 286/faster, VGA. CASTLMEW.LZH 180224 02-15-93 CASTLES OF MEW You will be exploring Two MEW Castles and Caves of the MEW World. You will be looking for Treasure, and attempting to slay the Fearsome Dragons who live in the Caves. (Requires VGA monitor). DOMIN.LZH 65536 02-15-93 DOMINATION 2.08 A stunning VGA board game, where you place counters onto squares to bring them up to Critical Mass, whereupon they explode and give control over that part of the board. Play against others or the computer. Rqs, VGA. EGAVGAPB.LZH 81920 02-15-93 EGA/VGA PINBALL Multi-flippered, hi-res pinball game! Outstanding graphics & easy controls make this a fun, easy to play game. Supports & requires VGA or EGA. ENTRAP.LZH 65536 02-15-93 MORAFF'S ENTRAP Mind bending logic game. Picture yourself on a 3D maze-like playing field with enemy robots and garbage cans closing in on all sides! Get tougher as you get deeper! Supports Graphics Monochrome up to Super VGA! GALACTI2.LZH 229376 02-15-93 GALACTIX 1.1 2 of 2 Disks GALACTIX.LZH 311296 02-15-93 GALACTIX 1.1 1 of 2 Disks Destroy Xidus fighters! Rapid fire, missles, the claw! Digitized sound, awesome soundtrack(Adlib, SBlast,Internal speaker), smooth 256 color graphics, mouse/joystick support and more! Rqs. 640k, VGA, >=10mhz 286, 2.5 meg disk space, ... GETFOUR.LZH 114688 02-15-93 GET - FOUR 1.0 Strategy board game where you have to get 4 squares in a row. 2 to 4 player game. Supports a mouse. Rqs. 256k, VGA. GETSADAM.LZH 212992 02-15-93 GET SADAM Blast Iraq's insane leader with missiles. Great graphics and sound. He even talks to you! (Requires VGA). JIGSAW15.LZH 180224 02-15-93 VGA JIGSAW 1.65 Puzzles with VGA colors and brilliance. It loads a picture on screen then shuffles the pieces around for you to piece back together. 3 different puzzles, 4 levels of difficulty, mouse or keyboard. From Alive Software. (Requires 384k, VGA). JILLJUN.LZH 294912 02-15-93 JILL OF THE JUNGLE 1.2 A 256 color animated arcade game! Guide the fearless Jill through this immense animated world. A full sixteen hugh smooth-scrolling levels. Thundering sound effects, with a Sound Blaster. Supports CGA, EGA, VGA, Joystick. Rqs, 512k, HD, 80286 or better. JOUSTVGA.LZH 49152 02-15-93 JOUST VGA Gladiators joust on flying ostriches trying to unseat their opponents. Hidden enemies in the lava pit, the Pterodactyl, egg waves, higher levels & meaner opponents make this a great game! Just like the original arcade game! Top quality! Requires VGA. JUNGLE.LZH 81920 02-15-93 JUNGLE JACK 1.0 Race the clock as you try to lay down canals to houses located in the jungle filled with obstacles. * Featured in Compuserve Magazine (Feb.91). (Requires, VGA, mouse). LASTHLF1.LZH 344064 02-15-93 THE LAST HALF OF DARKNESS 1 of 2 Disks Travel through a ghostly mansion in search of the missing ingredients to an un-finished potion. Along the way you must solve mystrious puzzles while encountering eerie ghouls. Features horrifying VGA ghoulish graphics and terrifying... LASTHLF2.LZH 376832 02-15-93 THE LAST HALF OF DARKNESS 2 of 2 Disks ...sounds of horror. Supports: keyboard, mouse, Covox Speech Thing, Sound Blaster II, PC speaker. (Requires, 640k, hard drive, VGA). MEGA1.LZH 262144 02-15-93 MEGATRON 3.05 1 of 3 Disks The year is 3015 and as the commander of an elite unit of Megatron BattleMechs, you've been chosen to enter the labyrinth combat zone and hunt down the adversary. At your disposal are two standard omni-field mechs (Mad Cat and Vulture) equipped with .... MEGA2.LZH 294912 02-15-93 MEGATRON 3.05 2 of 3 Disks ....high yield Thorn Missiles and Pulse Disrupters. To play in head-to-head combat you need an open serial port with a modem or null-modem cable connect to your adversaries computer. A menu choice will allow you to dial up another compter. MEGA3.LZH 229376 02-15-93 MEGATRON 3.05 3 of 3 Disks This is a 2 player game, but it can be played in a single player mode with a synthetic adversary generated by the computer. For the best results I recommend using two computers. Futuristic 3-Dimensional and top-down views. Lots of FUN! Rqs, 640k, HD, VGA. MINER11.LZH 81920 02-15-93 MINER VGA VER 1.1 Miner is a game of rare earth mining. In the game, you assume the role of a miner in search of rare earths like silver, gold, and platinum. (Requires VGA). MORAFFB.LZH 98304 02-15-93 MORAFF'S SUPER BLAST 1.1 A challenging breakout game with 3 different style games each with over 15 levels of play! Supports keyboard or joystick play and Mono thru Super VGA modes. MOSAIX1.LZH 229376 02-15-93 MOSAIX V1.0 1 of 2 Disks MOSAIX is a computerized jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike most PC based jigsaw puzzle programs, MOSAIX uses photographic quality images, rather than cartoon pictures. Supports EGA, VGA, MCGA & CGA graphics. VGA, MCGA are highly recommended to obtain the high MOSAIX2.LZH 278528 02-15-93 MOSAIX V1.0 2 of 2 Disks resolution, 256 color graphics. MOSAIX can import standard PCX graphic files, files using video capture boards, scanners & graphics created using most PC paint programs. For a fee the authors will digitize photos for you to be used with MOSAIX. Rqs. HD. MWORLD.LZH 212992 02-15-93 MORAFF'S WORLD Moraff's World, the Beginner's Version, contains 16 level deep dungeons. It also contains about 20 classes of monsters. Great fun! Supports Graphics Monochrome to Super VGA! NS10.LZH 81920 02-15-93 NOVA STRIKE 1.0 A flight simulation combat game which takes place in space. The object of the game is to destroy enemy ships and thier bases. Rqs, 256k, VGA & mouse. ONEARM.LZH 98304 02-15-93 THE ONE ARM BANDIT 1.0 The One Arm Bandit is a program that will provide the User with one of the best Slot Machine simulators available anywhere. Bandit offers all the fun and excitement of the real thing! (Requires 256k, VGA monitor). PCHS53.LZH 131072 02-15-93 POWER CHESS V5.3 Super chess game! Many features useful for chess classes. Obeys international chess rules, en'passant, 50 move drawing rule, index last 21 moves, hints, index all moves, mate in N moves, hints, take back moves & much more! Rqs. 512k ram, any graphics. ASP ROBOTS.LZH 65536 02-15-93 ROBOTS Simple, fun, strategy game. Screen displays a grid with one doorway you must reach. Try to get by robots by fooling them into traps. Challenging, fun game with nice graphics. Requires VGA. SCORCH.LZH 131072 02-15-93 SCORCHED EARTH Scorched Earth is a simple, yet exciting artillery combat Game. Most of the options are very intuitive, and you can begin playing with only a little bit of information. (Requires VGA). SCUDATAK.LZH 98304 02-15-93 SCUD ATTACK Desert Storm all over! Incoming SCUDS are bombing the city! You must guide (Using a mouse) the Patriot missiles for direct hits! Surprisingly entertaining game! Requires VGA, mouse & 640k RAM. SHOOT.LZH 98304 02-15-93 SHOOTING GALLERY 2.3 Various challenges. Carnival type, shoot moving targets, shoot skeets against wooded backdrop, quick draw, hit the bulls eye, shootout, blast the bad guys! Times responses, keeps score, high score record. Beautiful graphics! Challenging! Rqs. mouse & VGA. STONES.LZH 163840 02-15-93 MORAFF' STONES 2.1 Stones is a barter-gambling game played in the finer taverns of Moraff's World. Many Species congregate to play, and they are a pretty formidable bunch! This game supports Monochrome up to Super VGA! TENTHOU.LZH 81920 02-15-93 TEN THOUSAND 1.0 Classic dice game for two to six players. The idea of the game is to reach a score of 10000 points before the other players. During each turn the player will roll their dice and remove those dice from the board that increase their hand the best. Rqs, VGA. VGACON11.LZH 147456 02-15-93 VGA CONCENTRATION 1.2 Displays a screen full of 256 color pictures, then scrambles & hides them! Using mouse or keyboard you must match the pictures in the least moves. Has online help, different picture sets & pull down menus. Requires VGA, 384k memory & optional mouse. VGAGAM1.LZH 147456 02-15-93 ARMY & VGABOMB Army - a strategy board game (requires a mouse). VGABomb - artillery combat game. VGAGAM2.LZH 131072 02-15-93 BANANOID & VGA MAH JONGG Bananoid- break-out styled game (requires mouse). Mah Jongg - Mah Jongg for the VGA (requires mouse). VGAGAME3.LZH 163840 02-15-93 VGA GAMES #3 Blueball> hit the balls but miss the walls. Gravity Wars> 2 player blaster game. Roulette> just like Vegas! Beyond> like Tetris but more challenging. VGAGAME4.LZH 163840 02-15-93 VGA GAMES #4 Catchem> catch the falling pieces (mouse required). Hong Kong Mahjong> a new version of Mahjongg. Mirrors> a wild one. VGAGAME5.LZH 196608 02-15-93 VGA GAMES #5 Eat-It> Eat candies avoid the monster. Joust> Joust gladiators. Robots> Avoid the Killer Robots. Entrancing! Gin Rummy - VGA version of Gin Rummy. (All Games Require a VGA monitor) VGAGAME6.LZH 196608 02-15-93 VGA GAMES #6 Mario> Shareware version of the popular Mario Brothers game. Scud Attack> Save the city from attack by scud missiles. War> Hand-eye coordination game. VGAUNO.LZH 163840 02-15-93 VGA UNO & SQUIRMER GAMES VGA UNO> is the popular card game that is played between you and the computer. (Requires VGA, mouse, 712k of disk space). Squirmer> is similar to the popular game Centipede. VSHARKS1.LZH 114688 02-15-93 VGA SHARKS 1.20 Underwater action game. You are a frogman diving to the ocean floor to collect & study rare marine life. Armed with a stun gun you must avoid sharks & do your job. Realistic VGA graphics, keyboard & mouse support! Reqs 384K RAM. ASP WOLF3DA.LZH 344064 02-15-93 WOLFENSTEIN 3D 1 of 2 Disks As an escaped prisoner in a German war camp, you will move smoothly through a 3D world full of amazing detail and animation. Unlike other 3D games, you'll move Smoothly through a realistic 3D environment, with intelligent moving guards.... WOLF3DB.LZH 344064 02-15-93 WOLFENSTEIN 3D 2 of 2 Disks and opponents. This is a high action, often violent game. PG-13 rating. Can you escape alive and fulfill your mission? Supports Adlib & Sound Blaster, mouse, joystick or keyboard. Rqs, VGA. WOLFUTIL.LZH 147456 02-15-93 WOLFENSTEIN 3D UTILITIES 5 utlities to use with the Great Shareware program "Wolfenstein 3D". A Trainer, saved games, Save Game Manager, Wolfmap map generator, Wolfedit is a paint program to modify walls, and there is a new map also. WQ10.LZH 262144 02-15-93 WORLD QUEST 1.0 VGA arcade space adventure game created with the WordUp graphics toolkit V3.2. Features smooth scrolling and great Sound Blaster effects and music. Joy stick or keyboard control with lots of fire power. Rqs, VGA, HD recommend.